Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Eng 9: Believe Cont.

Today's game plan is a continuation/revisit of last class.  Based on checking on No Red Ink, a lot of the things that needed to happen last class didn't get completed.

We are going to hold tight to these time frames.

DREAM Time.  Write your name in stones, clouds or gears.  (5 min.)

NO Red Ink.  Complete the pre-assessment on Commonly Confused Words 2.  (15 min.)

ROOTS 8. LEGO your Roots.   Choose one or more roots from list 8 and create representations of them in LEGO.  (15 min.)

BELIEVE Questions.  Complete the comprehension questions for "Believe."  Turn them into a blog post (30 min.)  There should be a new blog tracker for Q3 up during this class.

DAILY Work Log.  You know the drill on this one. (10 min.)

If you have rocked out all of the above, practice No Red Ink, study for Roots 8, turn your DREAM Time into a blog post, or blog about a passion of yours.


Prompt. "Believe" View & Respond.
 Due Today: Wednesday.  Jan. 27.

Roots 6-8.  
Thursday.  Feb 4.