Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Pop Culture 3B: HMW LEGO Pop Culture?

We opened our first day of class with a request for design kits.

And then we wasted no time answering the question: How Might We LEGO Pop Culture?

We took about half an hour to explore possibilities of both literal and representational ways of showing our current understanding of pop culture, even before a single lesson occurs.  

It was a fantastic display of creativity, observation, commentary and critical thinking.

And some video with commentary and explanation.

We ended the day with a debrief on the nature of pop culture -- the importance of the now -- and how pop culture is forever evolving and changing, building upon the past by recollecting it and growing into the future .  We did this by way of Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo, the Gutenberg press and MTV's The Real World and a handful of other examples.

Big thanks to Mr. Tierney for the LEGO inspiration.

Humanities 2BG: HMW LEGO Our Summer?

Today we asked: How might we LEGO our summer?  (Technically I believe the question was, "HMW show our summer in LEGO, but I prefer this new iteration.)

We started the day with attendance, working the names, and sharing the expectations for the encouraged personal design kits

We built like we've never built before, for it was the second day of class.
And then we dove into building with LEGO and explored ways of relating our summer experiences to one another.  Some folks made very literal builds and others made very conceptual, abstract builds.  What was the most exceptional development of the day?  Everyone made something.  

I ran around with my phone to document the amazing and some of it can be seen here.

We also used Periscope to share our work with the rest of the world.

Mr. Brackett and I both thought this was a pretty fantastic day.

Big thanks to Mr. Tierney for the LEGO inspiration.