Station 1. No Red Ink. Sentence Fragments. Quiz coming next week.
Station 2. Roots 6-8. Quizlet. Quiz coming on Friday. Should've been today.
Station 3. P/P/O Personal Narrative Essay story map.
Station 4. P/P/O Personal Narrative essay Storyboard.
Station 5. LNG/Blog/Graphic Organizers.
We've spent most of our class time this week watching the film. This way we can invest a great deal of time next week into unpacking and uncovering the film. Big, big thinking ahead.
Blog Post.
Req'd Post. P/P/O Pre-Writing.
Post on your blog your story map and your storyboard, explaining your thinking and where you are headed with your essay as well -- either through video, audio, or written commentary.
Due. Friday, Feb 5.
Compose. P/P/O Personal Narrative Essay.
Working draft. (Beginning, middle and end.
Due. Monday.