I'm going to make a point of providing a couple of class periods in a row each quarter for time to get caught up, ask for help, workshop with peers and otherwise freestyle your day.
Today was the first of those days this week.
You've quite a collection of due dates on the horizon, including today.
Remember that they are all available on the AP Lit Major Due Dates schedule.
Blog: 3+ Posts
Req'd Post: Read Foster's "Is That a Symbol?" and then complete one of the following two tasks:
Apply one of the symbols Foster uses to your own life. To what extent does it hold true to your experiences with that symbol?
Identify a motif in your life that Foster would apply to literature with great aplomb. Make a case why this is so.
Complete: Frankenstein Pinned
Due: Today!
Revise: Synthesis Essay
Complete: Revision Form
Due: Last Day for Revisions - Fri, Oct 24th
Design: Power Guide: Composition
Due: Oct 27th/28th
Read & Complete: Indie Book Project Q1
Due: November 3rd/4th