Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Eng 9: To Solve a Mockingbird Continues: Analysis Before the Designing

On Thursday and Friday, Monday and Tuesday, we'll be designing solutions to the problems the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird face in a two-day design sprint.  We'll be working Little Bits into the options for solutions so we may create working prototypes at the next level.

Before we get there  . . .

You have two pieces of analysis you need to complete.

1.  FLIPGRID: Scene Analysis.

In class we took a look at the jailhouse scene in To Kill a Mockingbird and explored how the filmmakers used angles, framing, composition, costuming, production design and more to deliver important messages about equality, tolerance, innocence, fear, ignorance, strength, knowledge, and more.

Now you must go to this flipgrid, choose a still shot from the collection linked there (and shared with you on Google Drive) and complete a two to three minute analysis of your own.

You might want to find the film (it's available on Netflix and can be taken out from the MBC Library on DVD) and see the moving images.  You might find some more clips on the MovieClips YouTube channel.

Post it on your BLOG and then link to that blog post on the blog tracker.

2. To Kill a Mockingbird Foreshadowing REVISIT.

Shared with you on Google Drive is a new version of the foreshadowing and symbolism graphic organizer you used the other day.  The difference?  Now you've seen the whole film.  These are no longer predictions.

Determine the extent to which your predictions were successful.   What have you now noticed about these potential symbols?  What do they mean?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Senior Seminar: Navigating Values - Writing Assessment

For the past couple of weeks, we've been discussing values and morality. We've looked at episodes of Meat Eater, readings from I Am the Messenger, talked with our SRO Office Gilbert (a.k.a. Bridgette), represented our values in LEGO/beads/Jenga or other materials, explored MIT's Moral Machine and designed morality machines of our own using Little Bits and shared them on Flipgrid.

Now you are putting together all of those pieces and ideas together to write the following.

Navigating Values
Single Point Rubric
Choose any ONE of these THREE prompts/writing styles to demonstrate your writing skills.

EXPLAIN your PROCESS.  How do you make a moral decision?
TELL a STORY.  Tell about a time when you made a difficult moral decision.
MAKE a PERSUASIVE ARGUMENT.  Convince others they should make a particular moral decision.

Evidence of Exceeding the Standard (clever, insightful, unique, powerful, creative, meaningful, professional)
What Meeting the Standard Looks Like
Evidence of Needs for Improvement (gaps, missing pieces or evidence, incomplete thoughts)

I like how your writing is full of showing details by appealing to the five senses in your descriptions, adding specifics to your process, or adding detailed reasons to your points..  I like how you move beyond just listing what happened and get into describing how it happened, what it looked like, what it felt like.  


I like how your personality comes through in your writing.   I like that your use of language and details helps your reader know this isn’t just anyone’s story: this is  your story.


I like how your writing  is well organized, with an introduction, a paragraphs to develop your ideas and a conclusion to leave your reader and audience thinking.  I like how the order of your piece makes sense and seems intentional.


I like how you include a conclusion at the end of your piece  that explains why your ideas matter -- either to you or to others. I like how you leave the reader with a big idea to think about.  


I like how any writing included is properly spelled and features proper word usage; I like how capitalization and end punctuation seems right on; there might be a minor error or one or two mistakes because of a complicated rule (comma usage, semicolons, etc.); the basics are there


I like how you turned it in within 24 hours of the agreed upon due date


I like how you created pre-writing evidence (sketchnote, storyboard) and more than one draft (working draft, submission draft) of your essay to show that you worked through the process.  I like that you took the feedback given and put it to use.

DRAFT DUE for ASSESSING on FRIDAY, MAY 12 by the End of Class

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

English 9: To Solve a Mockingbird: This Week

This week we've started our To Solve a Mockingbird unit, which involves a formal narrative writing assessment (a short memoir inspired by To Kill a Mockingbird) and a design challenge sprint.

Monday/Tuesday:  May 8/9

Symbolism/Foreshadowing in TKaM.
Watch TKaM.
Writing Workshop: 4th Narrative.
Read: Indie Book.

Wednesday/Thursday: May 10/11
Watch TKaM
Writing Workshop: 4th Narrative.
Read Indie Book

Friday/Monday: May 12/15
Watch TKaM: Identify problems emerging
4th Narrative: Submission Draft DUE
Read Indie Nook

BLOG: This week.
1. Symbolism/Foreshadowing in TkaM.  See Graphic Organizer
2. SCORE the BOOK.
This week's critical creativity challenge for your blog post relates to your independent reading book:  SCORE the BOOK.

Based on what you have read thus far in your book, compose an original instrumental score(no lyrics) to accompany the reading of your book using either a digital tool (Garage Band, Soundtrap, Wolfram, BeatsLab, etc.) or live instrumentation.  You may work with a musical friend to develop your score.  Your score should be at least three minutes in length to demonstrate your thinking extends beyond just a single moment in the book and reflect typical song length -- though film scores tend to be longer.

Seek inspiration from these playlists 


After composing your score, post it on your blog along with an explanation that connects THREE moments from the text (use text evidence) to THREE moments in your score (use time stamps) to help your reader understand your intentions.

4TH NARRATIVE.  Due Friday, May 12th.
DESIGN CHALLENGE.  To Solve a Mockingbird. Due, Tuesday May 22nd.

AP Lit: Post-Test Design Challenge & This Week's Work

Here we go . . .

Your "To Do" List for the 4th Quarter


FRANKLINERS short story: 1st submission Due 5/16.  Final Due 5/31 so they can be compiled in an anthology before end of year.
SYNTHESIS 3 Revising
SYNTHESIS 4 Due on Day of Final 6/6


DESIGN CHALLENGE Reflection & "Ship It" Date 6/2

2x Per Week.  Design Challenge Process.  #ShowYourWork.  Keep track of everything.

For THIS WEEK . . .

We are defining the problem that is starting from this place: How might we address the "brain drain" problem of Franklin County?

On Monday we discussed the challenge of defining this problem, seeing this problem from different points of view, and establishing our user class.

We had to do some narrowing . . . 

On Wednesday, we will work to further define the problem and identify our users.  We will use a couple of design thinking strategies and protocols to help us with this work. Remember: design is messy and requires both a bias toward action and a recognition that we may need to shift or pivot our work in a different direction.  It can be tough to reconcile what may seem like divergent problems.

For Wednesday, some folks agreed to dive into the empathy work -- connecting with both folks who might be leaving the area AND with folks who live outside the area and may need to be convinced to return AND with folks who have not lived here before.  Wow.  I just identified a third user class.  I wonder . . how might we appeal to all three with one solution?

Other folks agreed to do some more focused research on brain drain in Franklin County.

And remember through it all, we need to be thinking about how we might employ literature and our knowledge of literature into whatever solution we pursue.

That's one of our key creative constraints.  Using literature to solve the problem. Still leaves us plenty of possibilities to explore.

Pop Culture: HMW Design a Film Festival

Pop Culture: HMW Design a Film Festival

How might we design a film festival?  How might we demonstrate our listening & speaking skills via a film festival?

We'll use these for DISCOVERY phase. 15 min

You might Notice/Wish/Wonder:

What do you notice about these film festivals?

What do you wish about film festivals?

What do you wonder about these film festivals?



What are the roses (cool aspects) of these film festivals?

What are the buds (opportunities/ideas you have) based on these film festivals?

What are the thorns (things you don't like/find ineffective) in these film festivals?

EMPATHY phase. 15

Interview at least 2 people from another design team.

Ask these three Qs

Which genres of film do you enjoy the most?

Would you rather watch a film you love again or watch something new?


Ask at least one follow up question in each interview to help you program your festival.

Record the answers.

EXPERIMENT phase. 15 min.

Craft it!  Design it.  What are the films you would show?  What would it be called? Where would it be held?   Why?  Use your empathy knowledge and your discovery to help you.

PRODUCTION phase. 15 min.

Festival Title.
Location & Venue.
Schedule & Line Up.
Programming/Additional Events.
MUST WRITE.  A pitch letter to potential investors/sponsors for your festival.  Convince them using persuasive techniques and purposeful details to achieving your goals.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Eng 9: Personal Brand, Storytelling as Marketing and More

With the hectic and irregular schedule before February break, I thought it might be helpful to write up a blog post that captures where we are at in English 9.  There is a LOT of info here.

Anything with a B* should be posted on your class blog and linked on the English 9 blog tracker.


By the time we reach mid-April, you will be ready to make your personally branded website/blog go live.  Between now and then, you have to develop some content.  Experiment with your design. Empathize with your potential audience and figure out what you want to do.

a. Personal Brand Graphic Organizer (In English 9 OUT Folder) B*

Complete the organizer and post the completed organizer on your blog.

b. Mood Board.  (Examples from Lorri Brown in English 9 OUT Folder) B*

Complete a mood board for your personal brand and post it on your blog.

c. Weekly content for your personal brand.  B*
Video? Images?  Audio?  Writing?  You choose based on what you're establishing as your brand.

Week of 3/3/07   B*
Week of 3/10/07 B*
Week of 3/17/07 B*
Week of 3/25/07 B*

You will choose the best of your content to use as a demonstration of content standards. (Writing/Media-Presentation/MUGS-Language)


Understanding Stories

a. Use the selections to explore the story cycle.
Complete 2 story cycle graphic organizers.   (In English 9 OUT Folder)
Place in your English 9 personal IN folders.

b. Complete the Comparison Matrix graphic organizer and watch the three branded content videos.

Write a blog post in which you find another example of branded content, explain what is being advertised, discuss the effectiveness of the ad and how well it tells a story.  B*

b. Read 1 short story/memoir/poem per class and complete notice/wish/wonder organizers. (Notice/Wish/Wonder in English 9 OUT Folder)  (Put Finished
(I will update as we offer up more options.)

Reading 1.  Is This Love/A Release/Pull the Next One Up

This one is from the poet Marc Smith himself! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Reading 2.

Reading 3.

Reading 4.

c. 3rd Narrative Writing Assessment:  How Might We Write Branded Content Stories to Market Our Focus Fidgets.  (See the Rubric in the English 9 OUT Folder)

Draft Due 3/3/2017


a. Roots Quiz 10.
b. Roots Quiz 11.


a. Mistaken Words
b. Capitalization


Blog.  Be Certain to Update Your English 9 Blog AND the Blog Tracker.

Personal Brand.  Be Certain to Create Content for your Brand EVERY WEEK.  
Something meaningful.
1st Due 3/3/2017

3rd Narrative Writing.  Content Branded Focus Fidget Story.
Due 3/3/2017.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Senior Seminar: What's We've Done So Far and Where We are Going

What we've done in Senior Seminar so far this semester . . .

We've learned about sketchnotes.

BLOG POST 1.  Who I Am (At the Moment) 

We used our knowledge of sketchnotes to complete a Who Am I (at this moment) graphic organizer and then constructed those ideas in LEGO bricks to represent different ways of expressing the same ideas.  An explanation of these sketchnotes and these LEGO constructs became our 1st required FlipGrid and also our first blog post. 

BLOG POST 2.  Songs of Myself

While I was out of town visiting three other schools in southern California and helping them to do some of the work we are doing here -- and learning how to do some of the work they are doing there -- I asked you folks to look at the music in your lives that represents who you are.  The instructions are in the top

BLOG 3. Myself 10 Years Ago (in Wood)

After looking at ourselves in the present, we started looking at ourselves in the past.  We sketchnoted ourselves 10 years ago for 5 minutes and then had 20 minutes to build a representation of 10 years ago selves out of scrap wood in the theater workshop. We then got on FlipGrid and explained our thinking.   On your blog, explain what you made and why you made it by embedding your FlipGrid and including images of your build.

BLOG 4. Advice to My Self 10 Years Ago

The next post asks you to think about yourself 10 years ago once more and write a one-page letter of advice.  Part of the work included completing a graphic organizer based on reading the first article in this list copied from an email I sent you.   Turn that graphic organizer in to me using a Google Drive folder labeled "[Your Name] Senior Seminar IN"  and making sure you have shared that

Everyone needs to take a look at:

Then, you'll pick two of these to look and check for the extent to which these writers use the advice from that article.  Be careful not to get into whether or not you agree with the writers.  You're looking for style and format, rather than advice for yourself.

And finally, we'll take a look at this piece

BLOG 5.  iEvolution.  Myself 10  Years from Now (in Jenga, LEGO or Action Figures)

For this post, you were challenged to create a stop motion video that shows the evolution from yourself now to yourself 10 years from now.

BLOG 6. Big Questions & How Might I's? 

LIST 1.  Your interests, hobbies, goals, passions, career goals, possibilities, wants, needs, etc.

For me:  teaching (seriously, I'm an education nerd), comics, comedy, movies, theater, technology, community development, entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, building a garage, building furniture

LIST 2.  Some big questions you'd like to be able to answer that relate to those interests, etc.

For me:  How do you write a screenplay?  How do you write a novel?  How do you start your own business?  How do you open a performance space?  What does it take to build a garage?  What does it take to hire someone to build a garage?  How do community organizers do their work?  What does it take to bring new businesses to a region?  Why do you people seem to spend more time looking for ways to save money than they do ways to make money?

LIST 3. Turn some of those questions into possibilities by writing "How might we . . .?" or "How might I . . .?" statements

How might I write a screenplay?
How might we open a performance space in downtown Farmington?
How might we bring new businesses to Franklin county?
How might we turn our schools into economic engines of opportunity for kids and community members alike?

These lists are important because they are going to guide your first inquiry & design challenge that's based on your interests and goals.

And where do we go from here?  We get even more focused on your future, we start looking at a our heroic journeys, and you start your first Senior Seminar personal question, answer and prototype project.  

Friday, February 10, 2017

Senior Seminar: Funky Week, Big Questions, Day to Catch Up, and a Survey

It's Friday and you are all taking the health survey as I write this.  I'm super appreciative of how serious you are taking that survey.  The information matters.

Once you finish the survey, I'm going to show you how to update the Senior Seminar Q3 Blog Tracker.  It's easy once you get the hang of it.  Getting the hang of it . . . ehhhhhh . . . a little trickier.

Next week,  you'll be choosing the best evidence from your blog posts for me to assess toward your grades.  Your best example of writing, of reading, of using media (creating/building), of your MUGS (grammar/spelling), and so on.  More on that next Tuesday, as well as how the grading system works in here. It's easy once you get the hang of it.  Getting the hang of it . . . ehhhhh . . . a little trickier.

We'll wrap up with an activity around big questions and "How might We/I's."  For your blog, I'm asking that you make a few list of the following:

LIST 1.  Your interests, hobbies, goals, passions, career goals, possibilities, wants, needs, etc.

For me:  teaching (seriously, I'm an education nerd), comics, comedy, movies, theater, technology, community development, entrepreneurship, marketing, storytelling, building a garage, building furniture

LIST 2.  Some big questions you'd like to be able to answer that relate to those interests, etc.

For me:  How do you write a screenplay?  How do you write a novel?  How do you start your own business?  How do you open a performance space?  What does it take to build a garage?  What does it take to hire someone to build a garage?  How do community organizers do their work?  What does it take to bring new businesses to a region?  Why do you people seem to spend more time looking for ways to save money than they do ways to make money?

LIST 3. Turn some of those questions into possibilities by writing "How might we . . .?" or "How might I . . .?" statements

How might I write a screenplay?
How might we open a performance space in downtown Farmington?
How might we bring new businesses to Franklin county?
How might we turn our schools into economic engines of opportunity for kids and community members alike?

These lists are important because they are going to guide your first inquiry & design challenge that's based on your interests and goals.


UPDATE.  Update the Blog Tracker and your blog.
Due:  Friday, Feb 10th.

BLOG.  Big Questions & How Might We's?
Due: Friday, Feb 10th.

Eng 9: Design Challenges: Marketing Wicked Focus & Personal Branding: Video Resources

Hi folks,

Quick review of the design challenges we've done in English 9 so far this year following the DEEP Design Thinking process.

DESIGN CHALLENGE How might we bring joy to another?
User: someone else in the classroom you don't know well
Creative Constraints: a manila folder, four paper clips, tape, markers, scissors, 20 minutes

DESIGN CHALLENGE How might we solve a problem for others or bring joy to others using two pieces of cardboard?
User: members of Mrs. Howatt's chemistry classes
Creative Constraints: two pieces of cardboard (2x3), decorating/design supplies
Standards: media, listening/speaking, writing (narrative reflection after challenge)

DESIGN CHALLENGE  How might we design a tiny house that meets the needs of others?
User: Characters from Of Mice & Men
Creative Constraints: built to scale, physical or digital prototype, choose one or more characters from novel, present your prototype
Standards: reading, media, listening/speaking

We are in the DISCOVERY Phase of our Wicked Marketing & Personal Brand design challenges.  We're trying to answer TWO How Might We's at the same time, which is a challenge all its own.

DESIGN CHALLENGE How might we develop our personal brands?
User: friends, family, teachers, strangers, foster tech, potential employers, colleges/universities
Creative Constraints: web presence of blog and/or site, self selected social media (if any), weekly content

DESIGN CHALLENGE How might we market Wicked Focus focus fidgets?
Creative Constraints: Must use knowledge of anxiety, stress, and/or attention disorders in the marketing strategy, other constraints to be determined

During DISCOVERY we are trying to learn all we can about the challenges.

One class met with Lorri Brown and received tips on developing one's personal brand.

Another class was able to Zoom conference with Mikhail and Sabba, two personal branding experts.

To help us understand marketing, I have found us these videos.

We have also taken a look at The Mighty and done some Notice/Wish/Wonder work with its videos.

And we also have these 15 TED Talks to consider as well organized on A Thing Called, a blog about anxiety. 
The 15 Best TED Talks On Anxiety, Stress, and Fear

Meanwhile, we are also trying to keep keep Roots going, starting up our classroom blogs, and getting back on the No Red Ink wagon.  Phew.  That's a lot.  And we can do it all!

Oh yeah, we're starting the novel, Speak, soon, too.


Complete the Personal Brand graphic organizer in the English 9 OUT Folder.
Due Monday, Feb 13.

Complete a Notice/Wish/Wonder graphic organizer over one of the TED Talk videos above.
Due Monday, Feb 13.

Blog Post.  List of all on the Blog Tracker available soon.

Roots Quiz 10.  Thursday/Friday, Feb 16/17.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Pop Culture: Design a Band Design Challenge

Pop Culture: Design Challenge: Design a Band

Pop Culture: Design a Band

We start today with this "How Might We . . . ?"

How might we create an intentional band out of random elements?  

This will be run similar to a DEEPdt  flash lab.


Partner with someone you don't know particularly well.

PART 1. 
4 Questions

1. How big of a role does music play in your life?
2. When do you listen to music?
3. What sorts of music do you listen to in those times? Bands or artists
4. Tell me about a time  you remember listening to band, going to a concert, or having another experience with music that you really enjoyed.

3x3 Interviews.  Three questions.  Three subjects.

1. What sorts of fonts appeal to you?  Handwriting? Block? Serif? San Serif?
Serif vs Sans: The Final Battle
by mostash.

2. What colors appeal to you?
The Psychology of Color
by Dehahs.

3. Do you prefer realistic or abstract images?

Collect your responses and include them on your blog post when you discuss the album art you create.  Use what you know appeals to others visually to inform your choices.


Create-A-Band Process 

I'd Give Credit to the Creator of this Process  But It's From a While Back & I Can't Recall the Link! #arghface.
1. Go to the Random Article link on the Wikipedia front page. (You can find it in the top left navigation menu.) The title of the random article is your new band/artist's name.

2. Go to the Random Quote link on the Quotations Page front page. (You can find it in the left side navigation menu.) You will get a list of random quotes. Pull either a full or partial quote from that page. That is the album title for your band's latest release. (You might also find some song titles this way as well.)

3. Go to Flickr and click on the 'Interesting Uploads from the Last 7 Days' link. (You can find it by scrolling down and looking beside the 'Take the Tour' link.)
OR Choose an image from Unsplash.  It doesn't have a random generator so just do your best to be random in your grabbing of an image.  Part of this challenge is combining random elements so that they seem intentional.

4. Pull that information together and then use an app like Pages, Google Draw or Google Docs, a photo editor like iPhoto or Gimp, or any other application that lets you manipulate words and images, and create your album cover.  Export your finished work as a .JPG and post it or  PDF and screenshot it and post it on your blog.


5.  On your blog, create a context for your band.  Who are the members?  How did they form and when?  What genre(s) do they play?  What was the gig that led to them making this album?  Where do they play? In other words, what is the story behind the band?  Include the album cover.
Add a couple of spaces on that blog post and then do this critical thinking . . .
Here's the big huge giant challenge of this creative endeavor: take those random elements from above and make them all seem intentional.  How might you create sense out of what might be nonsense by applying the filter of music to it?  What does this say about the power of music?  Explain the intentions behind your design, the colors you used, the fonts, the layout.  Explain the intentions behind your band's background.  
Complete an intention map to explain exactly how your design met your users needs. Copy and paste that intention map on to your blog post.
7. In a separate blog post, choose an artist or band you enjoy.  Select an album by that performer. Explore the relationship between the artist's name, the album's name, and the cover art for that album.  To what extent do they align?  Where do you see a clear relationship between the visuals and the music?  Where do you see it not working out?  What about the band's logo or the font used on the album cover?

One to two descriptive paragraphs with visuals to illustrate.
Extra helpful?  Embed some Vimeo links or Spotify links or other ways of proving your point through the music.  
You might get some inspiration for your album covers here

10 Iconic Album Covers (Yahoo) Here

99 Well Designed Album Covers (Inspiredology) Here

21 Great Albums with Not So Great Art (AV Club) Here

Lego'd Album Covers Here

Next class we'll get into some feedback rounds for our bands.