Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pop Culture: Stars Wars: Still Relevant?

We have a very short class today due to the very cool career expo happening on campus today.

We'll focus on energy on looking at two different articles about Star Wars and the extent to which it is still relevant today.

Here's the example of the work we will do.  An article about Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer and its arrival on the internet from EW.com

We took just the opening paragraphs and made this blackout poem.

Now it's your turn.

Two articles, which gives you 15 minutes to work with each one.  I'll be holding you tight to that time. (You can always go back and revise your thinking later; it would make for glorious blog posting that would demonstrate your reading skills and potentially others as well.)

Article One. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/troy-campbell/why-star-wars-matters_b_5246549.html

Article Two. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-05-31/entertainment/ct-ae-0602-johnson-star-wars-20130531_1_naboo-millennium-falcon-star-wars

Here's your process:

1. Read one article with this question in mind?  "To what extent does this author feel Star Wars is important to our society today?"

2. Make a list of up to nine key words/phrases from the text.  It may be fewer than this.

3. Create a blackout poem from the article that captures the essence of what the author is trying to say.  (Use digital or analog means.  Highlight in black on Google docs/preview works well)

Then . . .

1. Read the other article.

2. Make a list of up to nine key words/phrases from the text.  Again, it may be fewer than this.

3. Create a blackout poem from this article that captures the essence of what the author is trying to say.


1. Take pics of both blackout poems.

2. Post on your blog.

3. Compare and contrast your two blackout poems as well as the big ideas of the authors.

4.  What do you think?

Critical Creativity Challenges for the Week.
Due. Friday. 11.13.15. 

1. Blackout Poetry: Star Wars and Relevance. Use the process above.
Create a blackout poem from article about a pop culture phenomenon that interests you

2. Infographic.  Use Piktochart or another infographic tool (Google Draw works well) to show the impact/role of Star Wars OR another pop culture phenomenon in your life.

3. Recut Trailer.  Take any Star Wars footage (or other pop culture phenomenon footage) and recut it/re-score it to change the mood and/or tone and create a trailer for a different genre of film.  An example is the Mary Poppins horror trailer or the Frozen horror trailer.