Whole New Mind.
This will lead into our first exploration of Design sense from Whole New Mind.
In groups of one, two or three, we will create movie posters and tag lines for root-based words and vocab. This serves a few different purposes.
One. You will better learn your vocab.
Two. You will practice design.
Three. You will have an item to add to your portfolio if you finish it.
Four. You will have great material for a blog post.
You will be using MoviePoster.com as a source of inspiration.
This video helps explain the rule of thirds if I'm not around.
Rule of thirds from Jayne Whitelock on Vimeo.
And Whole New Mind discusses CRAP-ify your design
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found here: http://howtwosondesign.blogspot.com/2012/03/crap-theory.html |
Consider each of these elements in your design.
So what do you need to do?
Imagine you want everyone to use your root or root-based word or imagine you are making a movie about your root or root-based word.
1. Choose your root or root-based word.
2. Create a tag line i.e. "This Time It's Personal" or "Who Knows What Happens When the Sun Goes Out?" Look at movie posters. There are tag lines everywhere. Bonus challenge: Use four root-based words in your movie poster and you have your Roots 1 Product for next Thursday DONE.
3. Use the elements of good design and CRAP-ify to design a movie poster.
You'll have 20 minutes or so in class to work on this today and some more time tomorrow. We'd like to share and discuss these on Monday.
We want to give you time to post to your blog today and to read others' blog posts, make connections.
Blog: 3+ Posts
Req'd Creative Post: Creative Blog Post: Post a Six-Word Memoir & a Six-Image Memoir on your blog. Consider how you present those images, the arrangement, the format, etc.
Due: Friday, 9/26
Complete: I Notice/I Wish/I Wonder chart. Over Story, Empathy, Symphony.
Due: Thursday, Sept 25 (TODAY! Put in your Humanities IN folder on Google Drive.)
Study: Roots Quiz 1
Complete: Roots 1 Product (Use 5+ roots-based words in context.)
Due: Thursday, Oct 2
Start Collecting Evidence and Planning: Whole New Mind Portfolio
Due: Thursday, Oct 9