A tremendous amount to accomplish in a very short amount of time, these first two classes of the week.
Essential Question: Why Study Literature?
Sub EQ's:
- How do we define literature?
- How do we study literature?
- How can our space help us to better understand literature?
I will hand you a selection from How to Read Like a Professor that you are to close read and be prepared to apply and discuss next class.
We'll start with the continuance of our design project by completing the Four Compass Points interview process. During the interview, you will learn about your fellow classmates and what needs they have for this space as a place to study and understand literature, as well as problem solve, collaborate, and enjoy themselves. This interview, along with your other observations and the ideas upon the walls, will inform the design work you will complete for homework: a diagram/model of the room as you believe it would best function.
Guidelines & Expectations
From here we will take some time to discuss the course guidelines & expectations. You receive so much of this material in the first week of school, I prefer to save it for the second.
Preview of Our Guidelines & Expectation |
During this session we'll also talk about class norms: the behaviors and understandings we each need from one another in order to function well as a problem solving team. I like to think of it as "How We Roll . . ."
Sharing Projects
Another round of summer project sharing. I'll be asking folks to get ready for this during our Guidelines & Expectations conversation. We can multitask like that, right?
Uniting Great Expectations & Empire Falls
I've begun assessing summer essays and I thought it might be helpful to the revision process if we explored some of the connections between these two works.
Ender's Game
Today I assign the first one hundred pages of Ender's Game to be read for the first class of next week. We'll sign those out of the library to end class today. This title is going to be our chief point of discourse around our essential question.
Read: Ender's Game page 1-100 - Due 1st Class of Next Week (9th/10th)
Close Read: Intro to How to Read Like a Professor - Due Next Class (5th/6th)
Close Reading includes annotations: what you notice, questions you have, connections you can make
Design: Map/Visual of the classroom as you believe it would best suit the classes' needs - Due Next Class (5th/6th)