This week we begin our work with Hamlet. I'm currently trying out my iPad to type this so apologies for wonky formatting. I bought a keyboard case for it but it is sorely lacking.
Monday we explored some of Shakespeare's thematic ideas that emerge in Hamlet: trust, knowledge, discomfort, awareness, observation, power, control. Of course these are just ideas and topics, not themes unto themselves -- what Hamlet forces us to consider, those will be the true themes of the play.
I didn't take any pics of our staring at one another, but that's a great deal of what we did. And then discussed how we felt, what we experienced; we also did an exercise in observation.
And just barely started the play.
Wednesday, we dig further into the play. We will read a great deal of the text in class and do some close readings.
Friday, you will present your True Grit as poetry presentations and explore various productions of Hamlet.
Show Your Thinking.
Read: Hamlet Act I. Due Friday.
Blog: Analytical and Design. Potent Quotable. Choose a line from the act I you believe captures the essential TONE of the play so far. The attitude Shakespeare as author, creator, intent driven artist is bringing to the words of the play. Playful? Pedantic? Satiric? Doleful?
Then take that one line and illustrate with either an original photograph of your own or an image from Use fonts and your design skills to create a visual. Post it along with a written or recorded explanation of your intentions behind your design. Posting your intentions is necessary to meeting the standards for media and reading.
Blog: Critical Creativity. Color Palette. Use to create a three to five color color palette for Hamlet Act I. Give each color a unique name that reveals your understanding of the characters thus far. Explain your intentions to meet the reading standard.
Independent Book Project: design a solution to a problem posed by your free choice work and present that prototype next Tuesday. Be certain to justify your prototype intentions based on the text evidence you uncover. Empathize with your user, consider what truly meets the needs and how you know. Present to class next Tuesday.
True Grit as Poetry. Make the case that True Grit follows the structure, form, qualities of an epic, ballad, or sonnet. Design a visually effective presentation to make your case. Think about the aesthetic qualities of those poetic forms, consider the devices that best define them, consider tone, subject matter, associated with each. This should be a challenging question to answers, case to make.