Remember, we are using the DEEP Design Thinking Process.
Last week, discovery. Today, empathy.
We started by calibrating ourselves to last week's work and making sure we share a common goal within each class.
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Note the sumo-esque qualities of the earlier goal set. It felt powerful and big, but lumbering. |
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The team members luchadored their thinking and narrowed it into a nimble, powerful, explosive set. |
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The four elements at the bottom will serve as the concrete entry points for creating poetry and designs that achieve the end goal. |
Period 3B: To encourage self-expression
From there we completed one of Standford's d.School empathy map exercises described in detail here with examples.
Here's what that work looked like:
These notes and ideas will go up in more detail on Tuesday.
Ultimately, they will inform the poetry and design pieces we create.
Blog: 3+ Posts
NOTE: 2 Req'd Posts
1 Req'd Hamlet: Act II. Branagh. The guy directed Thor. Check out his Hamlet. And your Drive. Thoughts?
2nd Req'd: Post Your Suggested Means/Proposal/Prototype of Collecting Evidence of Thinking & Writing Processes as well as your thoughts on what the end products should look like to be most useful in demonstrating your understanding as well as being useful in the future.
Due: Friday, December 20
Clips of Branagh Hamlet posted and shared for Act II in your Google Drive.
Reflect on Blog w/ Analysis/Thoughts on Versions
Due: Friday, December 20
Poetry as Design Project (create one poem, create visual interpretation of a found poem)
2 Products Total
1 must be a design interpretation of a found poem/lyric
1 must be connected to the collaborative goal
From there:
1 may be an original poem
1 may be a personal piece
Both may be connected to your goal
Graded Class Discussion
1st Semester In Review Including But Not Limited To:
* Big Take Aways?
* Where Are the Gaps?
* What Is Working?
* What Could Help Things Work Even Better?
Not going to be in class? Put these ideas on . . . your blog! Record them! (This is a listen/speaking assessment after all.)
Due: End of 1st Week of January (we may want to think about an installation/publication the 2nd week of January)
Think ahead:
Revisions of Synthesis Essay
Indie Book Project Due at Top of Q3
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