Tuesday, November 12, 2013

AP Lit 2B/3B: Trifles

Mr. Ryder is off saving the world from itself this morning -- he'll be back for period 3, he hopes.
a. Record a class reading as a radio drama.  Use inflection and interpretation of the stage directions to make a plausible product. It is okay to cast females in the male parts to make this work.  
b. While most of the class participates in the radio drama, one or two students should storyboard the play.  You can see an example from yesterday’s class up on the markerboard.   Create your storyboards on paper so they can be easily captured and sent to me.
c. After the dramatic reading, start a separate recording.  Discuss Glaspell’s use of symbolism in the play.  Consider the following:
The Bird
The Quilt
The Rocking Chair
The Towels
Other items you notice?
d. After this discussion, if there’s time feel free to share a project or two.

Make sure you share the recordings with me.

Lastly, note the new synthesis essay is due for workshopping next week.  Plan wisely.  Start some pre-planning now and document, document, document your process.  You will want it all for your big self-analysis project in the spring.


Blog: 3+ Posts
Req'd Creative Post:
Write a brief dialogue in which two characters reveal exactly how they feel about a third, not-present character, without ever using the phrasing, "I don't like ... " or "I really appreciate ____" etc.  This is an opportunity to practice showing vs. telling while also gaining perspective on the challenge facing a playwright that doesn't want to bore audiences with exposition.
Due: Friday, November 15

Read & Annotate: Hamlet, 1.1 (Click for Folger edition online; download PDF from them for handwritten markups)
It is an admitted challenge.  Be brave.  We will be reading it all in class as well.
Due: Friday, November 15

Prethinking & Starting to Write: Synthesis #2
Source material is anything you've read for class by assigment or choice
Workshop Draft Due: Tues., November 19th
Submission Draft Due: Tuesday, November 26th (yup. day after our class)

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