Monday, February 10, 2014

AP Lit 3G: Diving Deeper Into Joyce (and some test prep, too)

We opened our day with some much needed test prep in the form of a multiple choice item.

From there, Mr. Ryder ranted a little bit.  It was a thing.  It had nothing to do with you folks, but of course, we already knew this.  We missed out on Hamlet time as a result and that's too bad.  He feels rather unpleasant about that as he writes this.

Then we did some amazing deep diving into Joyce and uncovered epiphanies, manipulation of language & aesthetics and free indirect discourse.  We used your design kits and marked up copies of the stories -- big strokes, lots of messy thinking, doodles and highlights and brackets abounded!  Also, super glad you captured your thinking with your phones -- so important to document your processes.

And wow.  You folks did an exceptional job on this.  I was impressed by what we found, including such observations as:
* Free indirect discourse can be as short as a word
* Little epiphanies tend to surface early in a story and build to a larger understanding
* Joyce loved the sound of words and the sounds often reflected his themes and ideas

We had a few minutes at the end of class to start a short brainstorm for "Frankliners."

Important to note!  The major due dates calendar is WAY OFF right now.  I'm adjusting it on Monday evening.

Blog: 3+ Posts (next week, you get to take off for vacation! woot!)
Req'd Post: Analytical work.  By this week you will have read three chapters from "How to Read Lit" -- "Blind," "Geography," and "Season." Foster delivers a great deal of thinking across these three chapters and I believe strongly they apply to Joyce's stories.

Find three powerful ideas from Foster -- one from each chapter -- and then apply those thoughts as lenses for looking at Dubliners.  Explain how each applies and can illuminate understanding from Joyce's work.  (You might focus on multiple stories or only one or two -- that is up to you.  Having a strong sense of Foster's thinking is more important than having a strong sense of each of these stories.) 

You may write, record, film or otherwise capture your thinking, so long as it is clear and can stand on its own without tremendous interpretation on the part of your audience.  Lots of digital tools you can use for this AND it could just be a series of paragraphs as well.  Work to your strengths/interests.
Due: Fri, Feb 14

Read: How to Read Lit Like a Professor "And so Does Season"
Due: Fri, Feb 14 

Write: Working Draft of "Frankliners" story/poem
Due: Wednesday Workshop, Feb 13

Upcoming: Read Frankenstein
Due: Thursday/Friday following Feb break.

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