Tuesday, March 25, 2014

AP Lit 2B/3B/3G: Setting as a Character

Can setting ever be more than setting? Absolutely! 

Today we took a close look at a couple passages from Conrad's Heart of Darkness. We made a few of connections to Frankenstien and "She Walks in Beauty," but spent most of our time looking at the diction in the passages. 

After that we really had to put our thinking caps on. We each chose a specific setting from the book and worked toward turning that setting into a character. 

If that setting magically transformed into a person what would they look like? Would it be a boy or girl? How tall would they be? What would they wear? On one side of a piece of paper we started drawing our characters and on the other side we began writing a short character sketch. What traits do our characters have? What would it be like if we were to have a conversation with them?

It took a minute, but we're finally opening our minds and learning to see setting as a character!

Blog: 3+ PostsReq'd Post: How might we make the last quarter of AP Lit the most exceptional, amazing powerful and important and mind blowing learning experience you could possibly have AND make the school say, "Wow.  AND they learned the stuff they were supposed to learn?"Due: Friday, Mar 28Reading: Read the next 30 pages of Heart of DarknessDue: Thursday, Mar 27  (2B, 3B) and Friday, Mar 28 (3G)

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