Monday, March 24, 2014

Humanities: 8th Grade Vids & Get 'Er Done Work

Today we divided into two work sessions.

One group will be focusing on producing the eighth grade orientation video(s) while the other group will be focusing on completing their process essays, DEJS, blogs, vocab and other work.

The video group completed a series of empathy activities from Stanford's  today.

We started with the share and capture method, with one person in each of two groups sharing their insights on the data we've collected from our user base.  The rest of the members highlighted the big ideas and takeways from the speaker.

When used those insights to create a composite user, a profile of the typical eighth grader who will be watching and experiencing the videos we create. Also a refresher on the DEEP design thinking process.

These two experiences led to a brainstorming and ideating over how we might create 1 to 3 videos less than or equal to three minutes in length each that address the incoming ninth grader's needs.

We determined that we will make two three minute videos, one serving as a navigation guide to Mt. Blue, and the other a list of 7 tips for incoming ninth graders.  We determined team leaders for each group and will spend the next three days scripting, storyboarding, determining content, style, and preparing to actual film next week.

Tomorrow we also start To Kill a Mockingbird and complete Roots 11.


Blog: 3+ Posts
Req'd Post: How might we make the last quarter of Humanities the most exceptional, amazing powerful and important and mind blowing learning experience you could possibly have AND make the school say, "Wow.  AND they learned the stuff they were supposed to learn?"
Due: Friday, Mar 28

Vocab: Roots 11
Study: Quiz & Product
Due: Tuesday, Mar 25

Write: 5 Paragraph Process Essay
Discuss: Your process, product, and outcome of anything you have made during the third quarter, whether for school or for work or for fun.
Due: Friday, Mar 28

Produce: 8th Grade Transition Film (optional)
Due: April 4th

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