I've been away presenting at SXSWEdu.com this week and learning tons and meeting folks I want to connect with you all. One thing I learned was a fantastic mashup/remix strategy from Kami Thordarson, an innovation coach and teacher in the Los Altos School District in California, based on the DEEP design thinking from Mary Cantwell we've been using all year.
Here's what we did this morning so you can reference back to it as you create your Macbeth Pitching Power pitches over the next week.
We started with three groups and quick mapping/vizthinking about we know about Macbeth.
Then we listed movies and films and games and books we enjoy.
Then we listed reasons why we enjoy them.
Then we highlighted key ideas/insights that stood out to us.
Then we took post-its and put some of those ideas from each category on to a post it.
Then we put those post its on tables.
We sent runners to grab a post it from each table.
The group generated a pitch from the three post its.
We tried to make as many pitches as we could with new sets as we could in the time given.
Then we shared and practiced delivering the pitches.
It was awesome. And surprisingly easy and not scary.

Design. Build. Create.
Accept. Communicate. Trust.
Blogs: 3+
Req'd Post: Put up your pitch thinking from today AND/OR link to someone else's and share your thoughts.
Due: Friday, Mar 7 (Teacher PACE)
Req'd Post: Put up your pitch thinking from today AND/OR link to someone else's and share your thoughts.
Due: Friday, Mar 7 (Teacher PACE)
Macbeth Graphic Organizers: Must Complete 3
Teacher Pace Due Dates:
Wed: Feb 12
Tue: Feb 25
Wed: Mar 5
MUGS: Commonly Confused Words #2
Quiz: Friday, Feb 14 (NEW MAKE UP DATE - FRIDAY, Mar 7)
QUACK: Unit 1 Part 1
Quiz & Product Due: Thursday Feb 27
Think & Design: Movie/Video Game/TV Show Pitches & Bibles
Due: March 13
Due: March 13
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