Monday, September 8, 2014

Brit Lit CPI: Wanted

Brit Lit CPI: Wanted


Empathy Sort

We'll take a look at your goal cards.  See what common threads we share in the room.  See what we want to add, want to change.  We'll follow a process to do this.

We will also go into some detail, clarifying questions and answers about those goals and talk about what an English class needs to be able to offer in order to help you meet those goals.


We'll take a look at classified ads and how they can be examples of both fantastic pieces of writing and terrible pieces of dreck.  

We'll listen to this story from NPR on creative Craigslist postings.

Then you'll compose your own Craiglist/Uncle Henry's ad for the English class you want/need in order to meet your goals.

Share our awesome.


Gather: Design Kit items
Due: ASAP (If you are having difficulty finding things, talk to Mr. Ryder privately)

Due: ASAP (Once we have laptops, this will be easier for folks to do)

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