Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Brit Lit CPI: Setting Up Blogs, Sketchnoting Expectations & Best Writing

Today we'll set up our blogs.  This is will be the primary place where you write and share your thinking in class this semester.

For your first blog entry, write the best paragraph you can -- an example of your best quality writing -- in five minutes.  Describe how you spent these past several snow days. Where were you? What did you do?  How did you wrangle with the snow?

After this, we'll be creating sketchnotes of the Guidelines & Expectations in groups of 1, 2 or 3.  The sketchnote should be based on the information in the packet you were given an answer these questions:

What do we need for class?
What will class be like?
How much work will there be?

Next class we dig into our first text: Beowulf and take a look at boasting and bragging and vanity plates.

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