Friday, February 6, 2015

Humanities: Theme Song Essays: Discovery Phase: Brainstorming

Today we dig into: HMW we design our theme song essays? (hardcore.)

We are in DISCOVERY phase today, brainstorming & ideating.

We'll start with an improv game of sorts involving . . . well . . . you'll see.

Then we'll create "Who Am I?" charts for ourselves so that we are more in tune with the ideas that might show up in our essays.

This will lead to printing off the lyrics of 2 to 4 possible theme song choices and a color coding mark up activity.   You will be using your design kits.  I will be putting up pictures of this process so you can reference it.

What it comes down to is the we are throwing three different activities at you today intended to help you get your heads wrapped around this assignment.


Blog. 3+ Posts.
Req'd Post.  Drum Kit prompt.  See Tuesday's blog post.
Due. Today, 2/6.

Design.  Theme Song Essay.  Create at least three pieces of pre-writing.
Maps. Sketchnotes. Outlines.  Webs.  Freewrites.
You don't have to write the essay.
You have to plan & design the essay.
Due. Monday, 2/9.

Complete: Theme Song Essay
Due. Friday, 2/13.

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