Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Brit Lit CPI: Experiment Phase of Design Challenge

We'll start today with our third reading related to our design challenges.

You may choose from the following or find your own.

History of the Stop Sign's Design.  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/11/magazine/stop-sign.html?_r=0

Emotionally Intelligent Signage. http://www.danpink.com/2012/04/textbook-example-of-emotionally-intelligent-signage/

More Durable Signage Material Available. (Note: This is an ad disguised as an article.  http://graphicdisplayusa.com/en/articles/durable-dibond-helps-new-sign-maker-fulfill-premium-outdoor-signage-art-niche/)

The Internet of Things is Bigger than We Imagine.  http://www.wired.com/2014/11/the-internet-of-things-bigger/

BMW iRemote App Wins Big at Electronics Show http://www.bmwblog.com/2014/11/12/bmw-remote-app-winner-ces-innovation-awards-2015/

Challenges & Troubles with Internet Wired Protection Systems http://www.forbes.com/sites/ianmorris/2015/02/17/this-google-nest-protect-video-is-like-a-dystopian-nightmare/

Choose One of the Four Literacy Strategies and Create a MLA formatted citation for your reading.

1.  Find an article/video/podcast/website related to your design challenge:  mudding signage or thermostat car starter

2.  Use EasyBib.com to create a proper MLA formatted citation for  your article/video/podcast/website.

3.  Complete one of the four literacy strategies to show that you understand the text.


Text Connections.



Reading 3.
Due.  Friday.  May 15.

Blog Post 3.  Experiment thinking.  If you had $10,000 to create your design, how would you spend the money?  What would the solution look like?  Then shift your thinking: if you only had $10 to create your design, how would you use it?  What would the solution look like?

Due. Friday. May 15.

Design Project.  Working Prototype.
Due. Tuesday, May 26.

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