Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pop Culture: Making Movie Magic Happen (Sorta.)

Making the Movie Magic Happen. (Sorta.)

Stage 1. After watching a couple of clips under Mr. Ryder’s tutelage, try your hand at storyboarding, directing and cinematography.

  1. In groups of one, two or three, choose a film from the  AFI Top 100 - 10th Anniversary list that you have seen or at least sorta kinda “know.” (This list is due for an update in 2017.  I’m curious to see what happens  . . .)
  2. Find a clip of a well-known scene from that film online.  They are out there.
  3. Using either people or LEGO minifigs and either digital photography or sketching, recreate that scene shot-by-shot, angle-by-angle
  4. As you are producing that recreation, think about the placement of the camera, the framing, the movement.  Do your best to create as honest a reproduction as possible.  The point?  To see if you can see filmmaking from a creator’s point of view and become more aware of how the filmmaker’s convince their audiences to see and think about the subject matter in a particular way.

Which takes us to Stage 2.
After recreating that scene to develop a sense of how it all “works” in a finished product, use your skills to tell the following story.
Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 11.24.47 AM.png

Choose and recreate the camera angles to the best of your abilities from the following sources:

Great tool because it shows you examples from actual films

Fantastic explanation of camera angles

Several great examples of storyboarding at work

Stage 3. #ShowYourWork by Creating a Google Presentation, Prezi, or other slideshow to show how your team did.   Post that to each of your blogs.

Due at the midpoint of next class for sharing and feedback.


Blog: 3+ Posts
Curate: 1 Pin on Pinterest.
Critical Creativity Options.
Option 1.  Soundtrack a Clip. Choose a clip from or use one from our class folder and link/embed a song that suits it, a song that transforms it, and a song that's completely inappropriate for it.  Explain your thinking.

Option 2.  Score a clip.  Choose a clip from or use one from our class folder and use Garageband,Soundation, live instrumentation/vocals, or another tool to design a score.  Explain your thinking.

Option 3.  Six Shot Story.  Tell a complete story using six different camera angles.  You may choose to create this as a video or as a storyboard.

REQUIRED BLOG POST.  Rose. Bud. Thorn. Read One of the Articles Above and Complete a Rose/Bud/Thorn Graphic Organizer over that article.  Post the results of your thinking on your blog.

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