Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Eng 9: Work. Work. Work.

Hey folks,

Friday, you have a day to update your blogs and post your work on the blog tracker.

You have a day to complete or revise your Playlist for Others.

Remember there's a rubric for this.  (The media standard is optional.)
To cite your songs properly in your project for the research standard you should follow this format.

  • Artist/Performer's name "Name of the Song" (Year of Release)
which becomes . . . 
  • Pearl Jam "Evenflow" (1993)

You can take it to the next level by adding the video or the link.

Pearl Jam "Evenflow" (1993)

While I'm on a roll, here's an example of an explanation.  This is why I would include this song on Mr. Brackett's playlist:

I included "Evenflow" by Pearl Jam (1993) on Mr. Brackett's playlist because he was in high school when this song came out and I know how much he loves the '90s.  He told me it was his favorite era of music.  Just listening to this song I can immediately picture Eddie Vedder wearing a flannel shirt and throwing his hair all around.  I think Mr. Brackett would enjoy rocking out to this song while driving his truck through the back roads of Temple, playing the bass line on the steering wheel.

You have a day to study for Roots Quiz 2  that will cover Roots 1-2 next TUESDAY.

And finally you have a day to start your one-page reflection essay on the Cardboard Challenge.

You have three options to choose from for your essay.

Option A. Product/Process/Outcome.  
  • Describe what you made using specific, meaningful details.
  • Describe how you made it by sharing specific step by step directions in what it took to make it.
  • Describe how you feel about the final results by discussing what you like about your final product and what you might do differently next time or on a different iteration.

Option B.  Yourself/Others/Creativity.
  • Discuss what you learned about yourself from completing the cardboard challenge, including things you didn't realize about your abilities and talents, struggles and strengths.  
  • Discuss what you learned about others as a result of completing the cardboard challenge, including the experience of interviewing others and their needs or perhaps what it is like to work with a partner.
  • Discuss what you've learned about the creative process and what it is like to make something for others and to make it using only a particular set of resources.

Option C.  Three Things You've Learned About Creativity
  • Discuss three things you've learned about creativity from completing the cardboard challenge.
For this essay, I want you to keep it within a one-page limit, 11 or 12 point font, single spaced.  (Don't play around with the fonts to make it seem like you wrote more than you did.  That's not the point.  Also: super annoying.)  The point is to use specific details to get your ideas across to your reader in a short amount of space.  

Here's what I'll be assessing (grading):

Your Details (writing) How well did you use specifics to show exactly what you mean?
Your Organization (writing) How well did you use paragraphs to organize your thoughts and ideas?
Your Voice (writing) How well does your personality come through in your writing?
Your MUGS (MUGS - mechanics, usage, grammar, spelling) 
Your Timeliness (Due next Thursday, Oct 22)


Blog.  Get caught up with your evidence.  At minimal, post your 5 Card Flickr from Week One, your playlist from others for Week Two, pictures/notes/plans from Cardboard Challenge for Week 3, and then your finished Cardboard Challenge or more pictures/notes/plans for Week 4.  Those are the required posts and the thinking I most want/need to see.

Study.  Roots Quiz 2 . Tuesday.

Know the Roots Quiz 2 (lists 1 & 2)& What They Means.
Other Evidence of Learning:  In addition to the taking the quiz, you may want to create a roots product that demonstrates your understanding of the roots and what they mean.  Some of us struggle with quizzes as a way of proving we know something, but if we get a chance to use our knowledge, we knock it out of the park.  Consider writing a story, a set of instructions, making a video, recording a podcast, building something on Minecraft or in LEGO, recording a song, drawing a comic strip, or some other way of showing me that you know those roots and what they mean in a way that shows you truly understand.
You may want to make one of these for Roots 1 as well. 
Due. Tuesday 10.20.15 

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