Friday, March 4, 2016

AP Lit: While Ryder Is Away: Test Prep and Other Things

Hey folks,

The format is a little rushed . . . apologies.

Read Frankenstein for Monday/Tuesday, March 14/15.

Working Draft/Workshoppable Draft of Synthesis #3 for Wednesday/Thursday, March 16/17

Poetic Vocabulary.
Choose 6 Words of Merit/Note from Frankenstein.
Identify their definitions, usage, and use in Frankenstein.
THEN . . .
Use those 6 words to craft a SESTINA some or all of which that could serve as an effective EPIGRAPH to Frankenstein.

Due.  Thursday, March 10.

2nd Round of Blogging Evidence for Standards Due Friday, Mar 11.


"I would like them to complete 2 multiple choice test prep items.  They are available here in the packet.  Please give them only 30 minutes to complete those items.  They may use the rest of the time to work on anything for class that they choose -- blog posts, synthesis essays,  readings, etc.  They know of all additional homework."


What I told the sub. "Give the class 30 minutes to write to “The Crossing” writing prompt provided in the folder.   After they write, they should use the rest of the class to look at the scored samples and determine their own scores.  After reading the samples individually, I would like them to record their conversation about the challenges of writing to the prompt, what they discovered from looking at the samples, and how well they think they did.  They may record it as video or audio, whichever they prefer.  Please have them share their recording with me."

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