Wednesday, October 12, 2016

AP Lit: A Fractured Week of Fractionating: Dalloway. Discussion, and Test Prep & More

Hey folks,

We started this week by attending a hip hop culture workshop.

I misread our week schedule and thought I would be seeing you folks later this week, but I am not.  I'm presenting at the statewide educational technology conference, ACTEM, on Thursday.  (I'll be sharing some of the work we've been doing with making to demonstrate our understanding.)

Today, sketchnotes over Mrs Dalloway were due.

I don't want you to keep reading Woolf without an opportunity to discuss, to get clarification, to work with the text.

Here's what we'll do . . .

Thursday, you will start with a brief test prep.  We didn't get an opportunity to discuss your last essays, so we will focus only on multiple choice this time around.  

Then you will use the power of your laptops record a discussion of your sketchnotes and Mrs Dalloway and work together to create a unified sketchnote "map" of the novel so far.   What are the big ideas Woolf has introduced so far?  Who are the major characters?  How are  they connected?  What images, colors, objects are getting repeated?  What patterns seems to be emerging?

You may want to use a markerboard for your sketchnote map. (Any of the projector side of the room boards are fair game.)

Upload the video to one of your school YouTube accounts and send me the link; send me photos of the sketchnote as well.


READ.  Mrs. Dalloway to pg 82.  Re-read if you were confused prior to the discussion and found clarity in the conversation.
DUE. Monday 10.17.2016

READ. Your choice text.  Design challenge due Thursday, 10.27.2016


Analytical Post.  Read How to Read Lit Chapter 5 (Where Have I Seen Her . . .) and apply one of  Foster's arguments to Mrs. Dalloway and/or The Hours.   Where have you seen Clarissa Dalloway or Septimus before?  Since?  Mrs. Brown?  Virginia Woolf?  Choose any character of significance from either text to discuss.

Creative Post.  Messaging Septimus; Tweeting Dalloway.  Using, create an exchange two or more characters of Mrs. Dalloway would have on social media, were it available to them back in the day.  How many layers of intention might you add?  Consider the topic of conversation, profile picture, handle/username, etc.   What sorts easter eggs (hidden references) might find their way into your exchange.  How many messages?  That's up to you.  Have fun with it.

Due. Friday.  10.14.2016.

INDIE BOOK PROJECT.  How might we solve a problem in your choice text?
Due. Thursday.  10.27.2016.

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