Monday, March 14, 2016

Eng 9: Speak and Safety and Sanctuary Begin . . .

NO RED INK. We'll start with No Red Ink and our new unit there in complete sentences and fragments.  It's challenging stuff AND when people are doing the practice, they are getting stronger.

You can still retake Confusing Words 2 IF you complete some practice first and show me evidence.

DREAM TIME. Then we're going to do some dream time:  doodle a diagram of a castle, bank or house that is the safest place you can imagine.

DESIGN CHALLENGE. That takes us into a discussion of what makes us feel safe and our next design challenge:  How might we design a sanctuary for others?

You will design a sanctuary for another member of this class, someone you do not know well.  This will challenge your ability to empathize and to design for a real life user.


You will design a sanctuary for a character in Speak that is not Melinda.  She already has a sanctuary.  This will challenge you to empathize AND to demonstrate understanding of the characters in the book.

We'll be going through the DEEP design process to do this starting today.

DISCOVERY.  What does it it mean to be safe? What are the experiences in our lives that make us feel secure? What does it mean to be unsafe? What are the experiences that make us experience fear? Where are the sanctuaries from which we can draw inspiration?

EMPATHY.  How might we understand another's worries and fears?  What unites us.  How might we see through another's eyes.

EXPERIMENT.  Drawings.  Models.  Minecraft.  Unity.  Tinkercad. Many options.

PRODUCE.  Present your findings.   Receive feedback.  Make plans for another iteration.

RAPID FIRE EMPATHY INTERVIEWS.  What makes us feel safe?

We'll start with a group brainstorm and then we'll run some empathy interviews and create empathy maps JUST like you did last week for Freaks and Geeks.

We'll also try to rock a whole mess of Post-It notes.

And then we'll keep reading Speak.  These next several chapters are going to be intense and I want to prepare you for them.

Blog.  Describe and/or draw  a place that makes you feel safe.  Then compare your space to the places in Speak that make Melinda feel safe.  Use evidence from the book to prove your points including the page numbers.
This could serve as reading evidence.
Due.  Wednesday.  3.16.16.

Read. Speak.
Pages 83 - 100.
Due. 3.16.16.

Study.  Roots Quiz 6-10.
Quiz. Friday. 3.25.16.

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