Thursday, March 2, 2017

Eng 9: Personal Brand, Storytelling as Marketing and More

With the hectic and irregular schedule before February break, I thought it might be helpful to write up a blog post that captures where we are at in English 9.  There is a LOT of info here.

Anything with a B* should be posted on your class blog and linked on the English 9 blog tracker.


By the time we reach mid-April, you will be ready to make your personally branded website/blog go live.  Between now and then, you have to develop some content.  Experiment with your design. Empathize with your potential audience and figure out what you want to do.

a. Personal Brand Graphic Organizer (In English 9 OUT Folder) B*

Complete the organizer and post the completed organizer on your blog.

b. Mood Board.  (Examples from Lorri Brown in English 9 OUT Folder) B*

Complete a mood board for your personal brand and post it on your blog.

c. Weekly content for your personal brand.  B*
Video? Images?  Audio?  Writing?  You choose based on what you're establishing as your brand.

Week of 3/3/07   B*
Week of 3/10/07 B*
Week of 3/17/07 B*
Week of 3/25/07 B*

You will choose the best of your content to use as a demonstration of content standards. (Writing/Media-Presentation/MUGS-Language)


Understanding Stories

a. Use the selections to explore the story cycle.
Complete 2 story cycle graphic organizers.   (In English 9 OUT Folder)
Place in your English 9 personal IN folders.

b. Complete the Comparison Matrix graphic organizer and watch the three branded content videos.

Write a blog post in which you find another example of branded content, explain what is being advertised, discuss the effectiveness of the ad and how well it tells a story.  B*

b. Read 1 short story/memoir/poem per class and complete notice/wish/wonder organizers. (Notice/Wish/Wonder in English 9 OUT Folder)  (Put Finished
(I will update as we offer up more options.)

Reading 1.  Is This Love/A Release/Pull the Next One Up

This one is from the poet Marc Smith himself! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Reading 2.

Reading 3.

Reading 4.

c. 3rd Narrative Writing Assessment:  How Might We Write Branded Content Stories to Market Our Focus Fidgets.  (See the Rubric in the English 9 OUT Folder)

Draft Due 3/3/2017


a. Roots Quiz 10.
b. Roots Quiz 11.


a. Mistaken Words
b. Capitalization


Blog.  Be Certain to Update Your English 9 Blog AND the Blog Tracker.

Personal Brand.  Be Certain to Create Content for your Brand EVERY WEEK.  
Something meaningful.
1st Due 3/3/2017

3rd Narrative Writing.  Content Branded Focus Fidget Story.
Due 3/3/2017.

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