Less/More Hashtag Activity.
Today we'll start with this video from Amy Burvall.As you watch, jot down the less/mores that speak to you. Then create your own.
We're doing this activity to build a sense of community in the room and also to interact with the thoughts of the underclassmen classes participating in a more involved version of this activity.
Then we'll take a few minutes to create our own and tweet/Instagram/Periscope them out.
Guidelines & Expectations.
Finally, the big activity of the day will be exploring Guidelines & Expectations.Here's a video of the Guidelines & Expectations as well. It's a bit hard to see but . . . it's there.
Summer Book Project.
We'll share our book projects and provide feedback to one another through post-it notes. This will in turn lead to mapping our feedback based on most effective to least effective. We will be working on increasing the effectiveness of our feedback.