Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Eng 9: Writing Assessments, Cardboard Challenge Prototypes & Ready for Roots 3

4G. On Wednesday you have 30 minutes to work on your narrative writing assessment.  It is absolutely due on Friday.

Then you have 30 minutes to work on your low-res prototype.   (You will have 30 minutes to build on Friday)

You also have Roots 3 quiz on Friday.

Your finished hi-res prototype is due next Thursday.  You will have time on Tuesday to build as well.

2B & 4B.  On Thursday, you will have 20 minutes to work on your narrative writing assessment.  It is absolutely due on Thursday.

You will also take your Roots 3 quiz on Thursday.

And you will have the rest of time to build your low-res prototype.

Here's the narrative writing  rubric and suggestions on the format/content again -- also available in your Eng 9 OUT folder on Google Drive.

Personal Narrative Essay
Single Point Rubric
Options.  Any of these may be fictional (made up) OR non-fiction (true stories)
  1. Tell a story about a time your “super power” saved the day or your “kryptonite” lost the day.
  2. Write a letter in which you advocate for yourself by asking a teacher, friend, parent or someone else for help.  Within the letter, tell a story that shows why you need that help OR Write a letter in which you advocate for someone else by asking a teacher, friend, parent or someone else to help that individual.  Within the letter, tell a story that shows why they need that help.
  3. Tell a story about a time you met someone else’s needs OR a time when your needs were met by someone else.

Evidence of Exceeding the Standard (clever, insightful, unique, powerful, creative, meaningful, professional)
What Meeting the Standard Looks Like
Evidence of Needs for Improvement (gaps, missing pieces or evidence, incomplete thoughts)

I like how your personal narrative (story) is full of showing details by appealing to the five senses in  your descriptions.  I like how you move beyond just listing what happened and get into describing how it happened, what it looked like, what it felt like.  

Narrative Sequence & Organization

I like how your narrative is well organized, with a clear beginning, middle and end.  I like how the order of your story makes sense and seems intentional.


I like how any writing included is properly spelled and features proper capitalization


I like how you turned it in within 24 hours of the agreed upon due date


I like how you created pre-writing evidence (sketchnote, storyboard) and more than one draft (working draft, submission draft) of your essay to show that you worked through the process.  I like that you took the feedback given and put it to use.


How might you lead your reader into this story?  
How might you hook your reader to be interested in the person, place, or object?  
How might you focus on the big ideas of this story -- the emotions, the learning, the message to get your reader hooked?

Have you ever . . .?
Everyone . . .
SInce the beginning of time . . .
Did you know . . .?
Webster’s Dictionary defines . . .

“Are you seriously wearing that?”
It is gross and disgusting to most of my friends.  To me?  It is a symbol, a totem, a remarkable piece of myself in the shape of a Kansas City Royals baseball cap.  This one piece of dilapidated headgear represents not only my growing up, but reminds me of one of the most important experiences of my life:  the spring I pooped my way to popularity.

Describe the person, place, or object.  
How might you include details that help your reader see, feel, experience that place?

TELL. My hat is blue.  It has a dirty spot on it.  It is banged up.  The letters are ratty.

SHOW.  When I put my Kansas City Royals hat on my head, I can hear the brown stains crack around my scalp. I don’t mind it, but the odor of twenty-plus years of canoe races, hikes and 5Ks have taken its toll on the noses of those around me.  
5 Senses.  Sight. Sound. Taste. Touch. Smell.


Tell a story about that person, place or object.  What happened?  Use as many paragraphs as it takes to tell a good story.
Pay careful attention to the order of your details.

So what?  So you’ve told the story.  
What’s the big takeaway you want people to understand about your story?  
Why does this story stick with you?

I will never get rid of this hat.  It means so much to me as a symbol of who I used to be and who I managed to turn out to be thanks to some fantastic people in my life.  I know it’s gross.  I’m aware.  And yet sometimes it’s the gnarly objects in our life that remind us that the most unpleasant experiences are often the ones that give us the greatest rewards.

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