Monday, November 30, 2015

Eng 9: Art and Tiny Houses and Designing and Of Mice and Men

For DreamTime today, we'll go digging into some online art galleries to find art pieces that represent the characters in Of Mice and Men as well as ourselves.  Any of this work would make for fantastic blogging and could potentially demonstrate both your creativity and your reading standards.

After DreamTime we'll get right into designing our Tiny Houses.  We'll use a modified version of a  technique that Google uses to redesign its tools. I call our version 8 Box.

Step 1.  Fold a piece of paper into 8 boxes.

Step 2.  You will have 60 seconds to doodle your ideas for a tiny house in Box 1.  

Steps 3-9.  You will have another 60 seconds to doodle in the next available box.  You may expand on your ideas from Box 1.   Or you may start a completely new idea.  Keep in mind the research and empathy you have done.

Step 10.  You have 10 minutes to doodle and sketchnote and label your design for a Tiny House for Lennie, George, Candy and Crooks.  We will be sharing these, giving and receiving feedback.  Make  sure you title your design.  

Step 11.  Feedback round via sticky notes.  You'll be using tiny sticky notes to share feedback.

Step 12.  Use the feedback to help make decisions in your team as you embark on creating your prototype!   



1+ Posts.
Due. Friday. 12.4.15. 
Critical Creativity Challenge:  An Art Gallery for Of Mice and Men.
Visit MOMA.orgPortland Museum of Art, or another online art gallery from a gallery that exists in the brick and mortar world (a place people could physically visit) and select three or more pieces of art that you would include in a gallery to represent the ideas in Of Mice and Men.  Consider also adding an art gallery for you! 

Study.  Roots 6.
Quiz. Wednesday.  12.9.15

Design Challenge.
Tiny House. Design a Tiny House Prototype for Lennie, George, Crooks and Candy
Presentation may be recorded prior to class and shown.


1+ Posts.
Due. Friday. 12.4.15
Critical Creativity Challenge:  An Art Gallery for Of Mice and Men.
Visit MOMA.orgPortland Museum of Art, or another online art gallery from a gallery that exists in the brick and mortar world (a place people could physically visit) and select three or more pieces of art that you would include in a gallery to represent the ideas in Of Mice and Men.

Roots Quiz 6. (Just List 6!)
Due.  Wednesday 12.9.15

Tiny House for Of Mice and Men.
Prototype Presentation Due 

AP Lit: FlashLab: On Demand Characterization and Diigo

Monday and Tuesday, we'll start with a DEEPdt FlashLab on characterization.

Our goal? To use the design process to design a thesis statement and a single body paragraph on characterization in The Hours.

Spidea & Sketchnotes: Everything we know about characterization: character types, methods of developing characters.  5 min.

Spidea & Sketchnotes:  Everything we know about the characters in The Hours.  Key quotes.  5 min.


Interview Your User/Reader.  (Who could that be?)  Determine style.  Determine what works well for your user/reader.  Take copious notes.  5 min.


Generate piles of potential thesis statements.
Experiment with sentence structures.
Experiment with paragraph design.
Experiment with embedded text evidence.  20 min


Get feedback from me using Four Corners protocol.  10 min.

All of the above in 45 minutes.

Then . . .


We start playing with Diigo, the tool we will use to do our DISCOVERY Phase research for our long term design challenge: How might we design on-demand analytical writing for the AP Lit test?

We'll use December for DISCOVERY research.  There will be a rubric this week on the expectations for this research around the criteria of variety, reliability and relevance.  The research will be due 12.22.15.

And then . . .

VERSE 15.  Emily Dickinson's "Wild Nights -- Wild Nights! (269)"

We'll read this poem with the intention of making connections to The Hours.  We'll try a new strategy: POV Smash & Grab from Mary Cantwell's Deep Design Thinking site.


1+ Posts.
Due. Friday. 12.4.15. 
Critical Creativity Challenge:  An Art Gallery for The Hours.
Visit MOMA.orgPortland Museum of Art, or another online art gallery from a gallery that exists in the brick and mortar world (a place people could physically visit) and select three or more pieces of art that you would include in a gallery to represent the ideas in The Hours.

Synthesis #2Thesis & Sketchnote/Map/Outline
Due. Next Class.
Source Material & Constraint.  Anything We Have Read This Year as a Class.
All Poetry.  All Prose.
Start Reading.
Mrs. Dalloway.  3-14.
Due. Next Class.

Humanities: Maps and Geeks and Speak and DEEPdt

We've got piles of doings happening today . . . 

We're going to start with DreamTime in the shape of a map of Mt. Blue Campus.  Brackett will be taking us through an experience to map out where the cliques and clans of MBC gather.   We'll be adding more information to this map as we work through more of Speak this week.

Then we'll run through a new discussion format for us: chalk talk.  We'll be reviewing the work we've done this year that relates to the four phases of the DEEP design thinking process.  

And then . . . back to Freaks and Geeks to finish the pilot episode.  

To connect the dots between Freaks and Speak and Mt. Blue Campus, you'll be completing a comparison matrix that is currently posted on Google Classroom.  This is due on Wednesday and would make excellent evidence for your Reading standard on the blog -- if you complete it well and choose to include it there.  

Tuesday, stations galore.  


1+ Posts.
Due. Friday. 12.4.2015
Critical Creativity Challenge:  An Art Gallery for Speak.
Visit, Portland Museum of Art, or another online art gallery from a gallery that exists in the brick and mortar world (a place people could physically visit) and select three or more pieces of art that you would include in a gallery to represent the ideas in Speak.

Speak.  95 to 107.
Due. Tuesday.  12.1.2015

Comparison Matrix.
Due. Wednesday. 12.2.2015

Be Thinking.
HMW we Design a Sanctuary for Others? 
Due. TBA.  Before Holiday Break for Certain.

Capture Our Culture.  Photo Essay.
Past Due.

Pop Culture: Design Challenge: Documentaries

We start our documentary design challenge today, giving us the opportunity to explore the facets of pop culture we find particularly important or meaningful to us individually while also examining a form of storytelling that continues to have a huge impact on us culturally.

How might we design 3 minute documentaries in 18 days?

Today we begin DISCOVERY Phase.

First, you'll need a design team of 1, 2 or 3 members.

Then we'll do quick spidea sketchnotes in our teams to determine what ideas, experiences, understandings we already have -- or think we have --  about documentaries

We'll dive right into watching clips from several documentaries and using a new discovery strategy to identify the qualities of an effective documentary as well as the questions that a filmmaker has to ask when making a documentary.  I'm calling it a Q & Q chart.

We'll watch clips from:

A Band Called Death
Spinning Plates
Magical Universe
Game Over
I Hate Christian Laettner

Note: We might experiment with our finding on Padlet before using Post-Its on Friday to help us sort.

Tonight, you will each need to explore as many documentaries as possible.  You don't need to watch the entirety -- chunks of several is fine -- but you want to see as many as possible.

On Wednesday, we will continue our research with several clips from which you may choose and a round of "What if . . . " and this exercise we haven't tried yet in class called 8 Box.  It's a way of visualizing a bunch of ideas in a hurry.

We might be using a new tool called Diigo to help us keep track of our research.

And then on Friday, we will take stock of our research, identify the key criteria to effective documentaries, and develop an empathy poll for the users of our documentaries to answer and Qs to be asked over next weekend.

It's a lot going on for certain.

Focus on today and what you need to do for tonight.  And remember, there's still blogging going on and a new critical creativity challenge to go after.

Show Your Thinking.
1+ Post Due Friday. 12.4.15
Optional Critical Creativity Challenges:
Option 1.  Document your week using only emojis.  Be as specific as possible.
Option 2. Watch and review a complete documentary.  It may be from our lists or another you've discovered.
Option 3. Gamify Your Life.  What if your life was a game?  What shape would it take? How would it be played?

Documentary Design Challenge.  Discovery Phase.
Watch. Clips of at least 3 other documentaries.
Complete a new  Q and Q form based on the documentaries you watch.  Be sure to identify which doc spurs which thinking.
Due. Wednesday. 12.2.15

Film Culture Project and One-Page Self-Reflection/Analysis.
Past Due. 11.1.15

Phrankenomena and 3 Questions.
Due. 11.30.15

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Eng 9: Tiny House & Big Dreams Design Challenge: Discovery and Literary 3x3s

Day before Turkey Break and we are going to do a ton of stuff!

1.  Roots 1-5 Quiz.  We'll tackle that right away.

2.  Literary 3x3: Of Mice & Men.

We haven't done these in Eng 9 yet this year.  Here's how it works.

Take the book and break it down into three, three-word sentences.

For example, if I were to write:

Tornado transports girl
Adventures reveal strengths
Discovers home persists

What movie would I have created?

How about . . .

Boy inhabits closet
School reveals fate
Friendship conquers magic

Now it is your turn. Write a Literary 3x3 of Of Mice and Men.

Do not repeat any words. Try to use only powerful words. Try to get an action word in each line.

Once we have our Literary 3x3s written, we'll transfer them over to index cards for the next round of thinking.  There will be a lot of shuffling and moving around and experimenting.  We'll take lots of pics for our blogs.

All of this is helping us to tune our brains around what really matters in our tiny house design, because then . . .

3. Tiny House, Big Dreams.  Discovery Phase continues.   First, we'll name our teams and determine team leaders.

We'll dig out your work you did for today and make visual maps of your information using Post-It notes.  We want to figure out if we are identifying the needs of our users and finding all of the information we need.   Then we need to identify the cracks -- what information are we missing? what do we really need in order to meet the needs?  How are we going to find that out?

We'll use whatever time we have left to keep gathering information we need and also looking at the fantastic prototype that Jeremy already made!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

AP Lit: Bradstreet and The Hours

We'll open with setting up our Google Drive IN folders.  This is something we should have done months ago.  Turn in your Frankliners.

From there, we look at Anne Bradstreet's "To My Dear and Loving Husband."  We will SCOUT this poem, a technique we have not used for a while.

We'll use that work with Bradstreet as an in-roads to the three protagonists of The Hours and the key paragraph for each.

Show Your Thinking
Blog. Due Friday 11.20.15
Critical Creativity Challenge:  Score the Lit.   Choose any of our most recent readings and create an original score using either live instrumentation, Garage Band, Wolfram TonesBeat Lab, or another online/digital music generator/creator.

Read.  The Hours.  Gold Day: Up to Page 121 for Friday .
Identify a Key Paragraph for Each Protagonist.  
Ask yourself, "If Cunningham had only one paragraph per section, which would it be?"

Submission Draft.  Frankliners.
Due.  Wednesday/Thursday.  November 18 & 19.


Humanities: Joni James Photography Workshop Day Two: Critique

Today in class, Joni James will return to work with us on our Capture Our Culture photo essay design challenge.  We're in the middle of Experiment phase here.   (Note:  We didn't complete Empathy phase as intended this week.  That's on me.  I have a plan though.  It could bring us some interesting feedback and understanding.)

We'll focus on critiquing photos today to improve upon the composition skills Joni provided us last week.  Here are the notes she gave us.





Decisive Moment

Leading Lines

Find a frame


Rule Of thirds

Color or B+w?

What do you see?





cheat sheet.jpg

1+ Posts
Critical Creativity Challenge:  Photo Essay in Progress.
Due. 11.20.15

Design.  Capture Your Culture Photo Essay.
Due.  Monday. 11.23.15

Study.  Roots Quiz 105.
Due. Tuesday.  11.24.15

Return: Of Mice & Men to Library. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Pop Culture: Phrankenomenon Design Challenge: Day Two & Reflections

First, we will create Google Drive Pop Culture In Folders.

a.  Create a folder in Google Drive.
b.  Title It:  [Your name] Pop Culture Fall 2015 IN
c.   Share it with me and make me someone who can EDIT your Inbox.

From now on, including any materials for your Film Culture project, you will put anything you are turning in for class in this folder.  Remember that Pages documents still need to be exported as PDFs or copy and pasted into Google Docs.

Today your team of one, two, or three members will need to complete the Experiment and Production phases of your Phrankenomenon design challenge.

EXPERIMENT Phase.  Remix and mashup various features of other phenomena in order to create an original idea you believe capable of having the same degree of cultural impact.  

Demonstrate your ideas through a slide deck, sketchnote, video or Prezi.  This will make for excellent blog materail.

PRODUCTION Phase.  After sharing your ideas, we will conduct feedback rounds using the 4 Corners feedback form.


Critical Creativity Challenge: Phrankenomenon.
1+ Posts Due 11.20.15

And then you have three mandatory questions to answer.  You may want to blog them as evidence there or you may choose to submit them in your Pop Culture IN folder.  The extent to which you answer these questions will appear as a Media assessment in PowerSchool.

Question 1.  After seeing the various phrankenomena developed in class, what characteristics seem to surface most frequently?  Why do you think this is the case?

Question 2.  Based on your understanding of pop culture phenomena, which of the phrankenomena developed in class do you believe would have the great chance of becoming a real success story?  What understandings of the world around you lead you this conclusion?

Question 3.  How might understanding the features and characteristics of what makes a cultural phenomenon help you be successful in one of your possible future career paths?  How might you apply that knowledge to solve problems and achieve goals?  Be specific in your thinking.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pop Culture: HMW Design a Phrankenomenon?

HMW Design a Phrankenomenon?





Monday, November 16, 2015

AP Lit: Design Challenge: Making the Ladies of The Hours

Today we ran a design challenge flashlab: How might we demonstrate our understanding of the protagonists in The Hours through physical representations?

I blogged about the day's events on my Medium blog so the Blue Day crew can see what's coming their way.

Show Your Thinking
Blog. Due Friday 11.20.15
Critical Creativity Challenge:  Score the Lit.   Choose any of our most recent readings and create an original score using either live instrumentation, Garage Band, Wolfram Tones, Beat Lab, or another online/digital music generator/creator.

Read.  The Hours.  Up to Page 80.
Identify a Key Paragraph for Each Protagonist.  
Ask yourself, "If Cunningham had only one paragraph per section, which would it be?"

Submission Draft.  Frankliners.
Due.  Wednesday/Thursday.  November 18 & 19.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pop Culture: Stars Wars: Still Relevant?

We have a very short class today due to the very cool career expo happening on campus today.

We'll focus on energy on looking at two different articles about Star Wars and the extent to which it is still relevant today.

Here's the example of the work we will do.  An article about Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer and its arrival on the internet from

We took just the opening paragraphs and made this blackout poem.

Now it's your turn.

Two articles, which gives you 15 minutes to work with each one.  I'll be holding you tight to that time. (You can always go back and revise your thinking later; it would make for glorious blog posting that would demonstrate your reading skills and potentially others as well.)

Article One.

Article Two.

Here's your process:

1. Read one article with this question in mind?  "To what extent does this author feel Star Wars is important to our society today?"

2. Make a list of up to nine key words/phrases from the text.  It may be fewer than this.

3. Create a blackout poem from the article that captures the essence of what the author is trying to say.  (Use digital or analog means.  Highlight in black on Google docs/preview works well)

Then . . .

1. Read the other article.

2. Make a list of up to nine key words/phrases from the text.  Again, it may be fewer than this.

3. Create a blackout poem from this article that captures the essence of what the author is trying to say.


1. Take pics of both blackout poems.

2. Post on your blog.

3. Compare and contrast your two blackout poems as well as the big ideas of the authors.

4.  What do you think?

Critical Creativity Challenges for the Week.
Due. Friday. 11.13.15. 

1. Blackout Poetry: Star Wars and Relevance. Use the process above.
Create a blackout poem from article about a pop culture phenomenon that interests you

2. Infographic.  Use Piktochart or another infographic tool (Google Draw works well) to show the impact/role of Star Wars OR another pop culture phenomenon in your life.

3. Recut Trailer.  Take any Star Wars footage (or other pop culture phenomenon footage) and recut it/re-score it to change the mood and/or tone and create a trailer for a different genre of film.  An example is the Mary Poppins horror trailer or the Frozen horror trailer.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Eng 9: Tiny House: DISCOVERY Phase continues: Of Mice and Men

Tiny House Design Challenge:  DISCOVERY Phase

Today we continued reading Of Mice & Men as we are learning more and more about our tiny house users, Lennie & George.


I read aloud from page 30 to 44.

We used sketchnoting to identify key ideas and observations from this chunk of the text, doodling and noting and including the page numbers to point to the moment in the text that inspired the doodle.  On Thursday we will read a very healthy portion of the book -- about 20 pages.

We'll use sketchnoting again, but each of us with a particular focus.


We also have a quiz on Roots 1-4 on Thursday.   Remember, you can also make a roots-based word product (story, song, rap, game, poem, instruction manual, video, animation, comic, sketchnote, etc.) to demonstrate your understanding.  


The last thing we did today was focus on creating posts for our blogs and using the new blog tracker.

Each week you will have optional creative challenges that can help you to meet those standards. This week is to create a soundtrack for the men living in the bunkhouse from Of Mice & Men.

You can also start your own passion/interest driven blog and use your posts there to count toward meeting your standards.  Say you really love working with animals or creating art or rebuilding engines.  Blog about it.  Put it in the blog tracker.  Boom.

After writing your post, you will need to choose which standards to count it toward and also self-assess the extent to which you met those standards.   You have the new blogging rubric and the blogging anchor pack to help you with that self-assessment.


Post(s) Due Friday.  11.13.15
Post & Self-Assess on the Blog Tracker.

Study.  Roots Quiz 4 (1-4)
Quiz.  Thursday 11.12.15

Friday, November 6, 2015

AP Lit: Dubliners & Frankliners, Where We've Been, Where We're Going


A very cool week and a very nutty week all at the same time.  Lots and lots of goings on of all different sorts.

We explored Dubliners via Literary 3x3s and crafting thesis statements.  We are doing much more deliberate work around thesis statements next week alongside our work with our Frankliners project that begins in earnest next week as well.  We will be balancing the analytical and the creative, the prose and the verse.

We've also given blogging an overhaul with revised expectations, a new rubric, and I think a much better all around experience for you folks.  To be clear: these changes are not because I'm disappointed in the work you've done on your blogs.  Quite to the contrary, I LOVE reading your work.  There have been several outstanding, highest of quality posts this fall already.  And there are more to come.

No, this change is to put emphasis on that quality and less on quantity.

Now, this week was paved with other good intentions of mine.  Let's try to rectify this now that we are at Friday.   Though I said in class, I never posted here, so now here it is:

This week Indie Book Projects are due.  (Thursday and Friday.)  As they come in, I'd love for people to share them.  It won't be a graded presentation, but a way to honor the thinking and creating and to also help us collectively experience the texts you are choosing.  

Also this week was a How to Read Lit Like a Prof Week.  We're a little behind in that regards, so we'll be doing two in a row here.  This week and next will both be How to Read Lit Like a Prof Weeks.   This week?  "Geography Matters." 

Next week?  "So Does Season."

For next class, and this is just stupid degrees of important, read Joyce's "The Dead", the last story in Dubliners.  We will see how well that one story functions as the end result of the others we have read, to see if the circuit holds true, to see if folk tales continue, to see if that one word (ssshhhh still a secret until end of the day on Friday)

Humanities: Test Driving the New Blog

Friday in Humanities . . .

We'll open with DreamTime.

Fill an index card with titles of movies that have never been made that you would love to see.

Fill the other side of the index card with titles of movies that have never been made that you NEVER want to see.

That'll warm up our brains to dive further into blogging today.  Your goal is to get a blog post up and choose which standards you'd like assessed.  Remember, you must also self assess before I will assess your work.

Here's the new blogging rubric.

Here's your creative blog post challenge for the week: Casting Call.

Soledad Pictures has announced a new version of Of Mice and Men to come out in the damn hot summer of 2017.  They are still casting.  Who should be in it?  Amplify your thinking by including clips to prove your casting choices are up to the task.  Amplify your demonstration of the reading by including a line of dialogue from the book that captures the character. Consider how images and links can help demonstrate your thinking.

In addition to your class blog, you may want to start your own passion-driven blog.  This may be entries from your current blog.  I recommend starting a new one, however, so you may try to build an audience.


Due. Friday. 11.6.2015.

Study. Roots Quiz 1-4.
Due.  Thursday.  11.12.2015
Optional.  Roots-Based Word Product.
Due. Thursday. 11.12.2015

Star Wars Episode IV: Analysis & Connections

After we finish watching the film, use these Padlets to collect your thinking.  Use Google Image and Video search to find visuals to support your observations.

After we analyze and break the film down, we want to make connections between the plot, the characters, and the setting of the film and other contexts in our world right now.

Those connections you can make in this Padlet here.


Posts Due. 11.6.15.
Option 1. Create a Star Wars themed logo for something you care about. Or mash-up something you care about with a logo. 

Option 2Create a scrolling narrative describing your day (or week). Mimic the tone/language of the Star Wars opening. 

Option 3. Make an original cast list for Star Wars. Choose from people you know or another theme. (Hip-Hop Star Wars, NFL Star Wars, etc.)
Alternative Star Wars Saga Cast

Links for This Week's Blogging

          Monday, November 2, 2015

          Pop Culture: A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

          A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away . . . 

          Today we start looking at Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

          We'll be doing a number activities with this over the week, built around watching the complete first film and exploring how a phenomenon is made. 

          Posts Due. 11.6.15.
          Option 1. Create a Star Wars themed logo for something you care about. Or mash-up something you care about with a logo. 

          Option 2. Create a scrolling narrative describing your day (or week). Mimic the tone/language of the Star Wars opening. 

          Option 3. Make an original cast list for Star Wars. Choose from people you know or another theme. (Hip-Hop Star Wars, NFL Star Wars, etc.)
          Alternative Star Wars Saga Cast

          Links for This Week's Blogging